Fact: The Stage from Birth to Three Months is Crucial for an Infant. Those first few months with your baby are magical! Did you know that even before they can talk, you're building the foundation for communication? While they aren't using words yet, they're learning to connect with you through sounds and expressions.

Between birth and three months, babies typically learn to:

⭐️ Smile
⭐️ Respond to the human voice with vocalizations
⭐️ Express pleasure with gurgles

You can encourage these milestones through simple interactions:

⭐️ Face-to-face time: Lay your baby down on a safe surface and lean in close so you can make eye contact.
⭐️ Respond to their sounds: When your baby makes a sound, repeat it back to them. This creates a "conversation" and encourages them to vocalize more.
⭐️ Talk in an encouraging tone: Your tone of voice matters! Use a gentle, happy voice when interacting with your baby.

These simple interactions lay the foundation for future language development and create a strong bond between you and your baby. Even though they can't use words yet, you're already communicating in a powerful way! Talkplayandread.com

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