My interest in photography started as a little girl around age 7, I remember watching my mom with her 35mm Minolta, to me it seemed that she had a dozen different lenses and tons of specialty filters there were all sorts of interesting gadgets, and I remember thinking I want to do that, I want to play with all of this stuff, I want to create beautiful memories that will last not only in my heart and memories but for everyone. The pictures that she would capture were amazing, it was almost as if I could feel her warmth through the images. I realized at that point that I wanted to share the love that she inspired upon me with everyone else.
Photography has since developed into a lifelong passion and is part of my daily life. Roughly 15yrs ago my husband had encouraged me to start getting more serious with my art and bought me my first “big girl camera” as he called it and asked me what kind of photography do you want to do? My response was “I want to do it all…” I don’t want to get stuck, I don’t want to get burnt out doing one type of photography and end up losing my passion for the art. To accomplish this goal I started working as an apprentice with several professional photographers. I am very hands-on when it comes to learning so this was an easy way for me to absorb as much as possible.
Between countless hours spent hands-on in the field, online courses, and the vast knowledge of the internet, a lot of trial and error, and several failures, I am finally proud to say that I am a professional photographer. I have learned and continue to learn so much from my growth over the years, and I continue to learn every day after all… isn’t this how we grow and learn to love ourselves and not make the same mistakes twice.
My husband pushed for me to be the best version of myself, in all areas and was an important part of my growth as a woman, mother & photographer, he was able to see 22yrs of love, laughter, dedication, and my passion blossom but was untimely taken from us in a tragic accident 12/28/2018. One of my last promises to my husband was that I would get my business license and start building something with my skills. I am happy to say that I have honored that promise. I am continuing to build every day. I am continually grateful and have been fortunate to work with several amazing photographers and specialists in different industries.
I have several publications my most recent was for Hollywood Weekly with the fabulous Actress, producer Trish Cook. I have also been published with the State of California Recreational Parks in Ocotillo Wells Several of my images were used in their visitor information guides, I have photographed on several prestigious red carpets, runway fashion shows during LA Fashion week, the annual IMATS, convention 2 years in a row, along with the Annual Satellite Awards, Concerts, editorials and onset photography are a few of the opportunities that have furthered my growth over the last 3yrs working in the industry and I am excited for all that 2025 has in store!
Thank you to my late husband, my family, friends, mentors and my fans for believing in me. Find your passion, grab on tight and push the pedal to the metal, we are here for a short time so make your journey a life-altering ride. Lift and support one another!
Love always,
Stephanie Findley